Definition of Electron gun

1. Noun. The electrode that is the source of electrons in a cathode-ray tube or electron microscope; consists of a cathode that emits a stream of electrons and the electrostatic or electromagnetic apparatus that focuses it.

Group relationships: Cathode-ray Tube, Crt, Electron Microscope
Generic synonyms: Electrode

Definition of Electron gun

1. Noun. (physics) Any device that produces a stream of electrons, especially a narrow stream that is focused onto a phosphor screen. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Electron gun

1. A cathode/anode device intended to produce a stream of electrons. Also used inside a video camera tube and monitor picture tube that contains a heated cathode. Electrons emitted by the gun are focused to produce the scanning beam. (05 Aug 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Electron Gun

electron capture
electron capture detector
electron capture detectors
electron carrier
electron cloud
electron clouds
electron configuration
electron configurations
electron cryomicroscopy
electron cyclotron discharge cleaning
electron cyclotron emission
electron cyclotron heating
electron density
electron diffraction
electron donor
electron gun
electron guns
electron image
electron interferometer
electron interferometry
electron lens
electron magneton
electron micrograph
electron micrographs
electron microprobe
electron microscope
electron microscopes
electron microscopic
electron microscopy
electron multiplier

Literary usage of Electron gun

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Manufacturing Technology Directorate: Project Book Update, 1996-97 by DIANE Publishing Company (1998)
"Unfortunately, each and every time the vacuum integrity of the KPA is lost, the electron gun must be removed and scrapped. If the KPA is to be rebuilt, ..."

2. Mantech Project Book, 1992 (1993)
"Task 6: Build a type 915 HF traveling wave tube and incorporate precision electron gun. Task 7: Test the TWT of Task 6 and compare with a TWT employing a ..."

3. Small Business Innovation Research: Abstracts of Phase I Awards (1995) by DIANE Publishing Company (1996)
"Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: Successful designs and tests for the novel electron gun in Phases I and ..."

4. Small Business Technology Transfer: Abstracts of Phase I Awards, 1994 by DIANE Publishing Company (1995)
"This high-density, long-life electron gun avoids the difficulties associated with plasma cathodes, thermionic emitters, and field emission cathodes. ..."

5. Economic Effects of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders and DIANE Publishing Company by DIANE Publishing Company (1995)
"Differences include the electron gun, the color selection mechanism (aperture grille instead of 10 Because Goldstar had not been included in the initial ..."

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